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Friday, March 6, 2020

Angela Simmons and Bow Wow Intense Dating Trivia Celebrity News - Dating Trivia
Looks like Romeo is out of the picture and Bow Wow may be back in with Angela Simmons. At age 17 Simmons and Bow Wow dated briefly, but according to Bow Wow they split-up due to Angela's virginity. Angela was still a virgin and Bow Wow wanted sex, but on the other hand, he wanted to respect Simmons father Rev. Run.

As time went on the two still remained friends and apparently the intense spark never went away because they are back flirting with one another and Angela's mother seems perfectly fine with that. Her mother commented on 'Growing Up Hip Hop' (during JoJo's wedding) that if they would have stayed together they would have a 9 year old and a 3 year old by now and Bow Wow responded "It aint too late". 

Angela and Bow Wow also talked about the possibilities of dating. Angela says her and Bow Wow may or may not date again. Bow Wow seems to be waiting for her okay to make a move. 

"What do you think about them dating and possibly marriage in the future?"

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